PT. ACEHUNIQUE التطبيقات

Resep Masakan Indonesia 1.2.0
Resep Masakan Indonesia adalah app paduanresep offline untuk memasak, berbagai macam masakan indonesia.seperti resep tempe,resep sayuran,resep sayur,resep pisang,resepayam,resep mie,resep soto,resep jepang.Semua resep gratis dan yang paling penting aplikasi resep iniberjalan secara offline tanpa perlu koneksi internet Jadi andadapat menjadikan Buku resep ini menjadi Resep dapur anda.Resep masakan indonesia juga akan menambahkan jumlah resepnyaselalu seperti resep indonesia,resep masakan,resep batagor,resepsalad,resep nugget,resep roti,resep jus,resep bango,bukuresep,resep pasta,resep daging dan lain-lain.Berikut beberapa fitur yang terdapat di aplikasi ini:+ Bejalan secara offline+ Daftar bahan dapat di centang sebagai catatan belanja dan jugadapat mengirim catatan belanja.+ Terdapat juga fitur waktu memasak hal ini akan membuat masakananda masak tepat waktu.Jangan lupa untuk selalu pantau aplikasi ini untuk melihat resepmasakan baru setiap harinya.Recipes Indonesiancuisine is a blend of recipes offline app for cooking, a widevariety of Indonesian dishes. such as tempeh recipe, vegetablerecipes, vegetable recipes, banana recipes, chicken recipes,recipes noodles, soup recipes, Japanese recipes.All recipes and most importantly free recipe app is runningoffline without needing an internet connection so you can make thisrecipe into a recipe book your kitchen.Indonesian recipes will also add the number of the recipe isalways like Indonesian recipes, recipes, recipes batagor, saladrecipes, recipes nuggets, bread recipes, juice recipes, recipesbango, a recipe book, recipe pasta, meat recipes and others.Here are some of the features found in this app:+ Bejalan offline+ List of materials can be unchecked as record spending and alsocan send notes shopping.+ There are also features cooking time it will make a dish you cooktime. Do not forget to always monitor this application to look up newrecipes every day.
Aneka Resep Puding 1.1.0
Aneka Resep Puding app gratis dengan berbagaimacam kreasi resepi puding. Cocok untuk ibu-ibu yang ingin membuatpuding dengan resep puding sederhana ini sangat mudah membuatpuding dengan bahan-bahan yang mudah ditemukan.Aneka resep puding juga berjalan resep puding offline, danselamat mencoba resepi puding.Berikut beberapa fitur yang terdapat di aplikasi ini:+ Bejalan secara offline+ Daftar bahan dapat di centang sebagai catatan belanja dan jugadapat mengirim catatan belanja.+ Terdapat juga fitur waktu memasak hal ini akan membuat masakananda masak tepat waktu.Assorted Pudding Recipefree app with a variety of pudding recipe creations. Suitable formothers who want to make a simple pudding with custard recipe isvery easy to make pudding with ingredients that are easily found.Assorted pudding recipe pudding recipe also goes offline, andgood luck pudding recipe.Here are some of the features found in this app:+ Bejalan offline+ List of materials can be unchecked as record spending and alsocan send notes shopping.+ There are also features cooking time it will make a dish you cooktime.
Resep Minuman & Makanan Segar 1.2.0
Kumpulan resep minuman segar, jus , kolakdanlain-lainnya sangat cocok buat anda gunakan di saatmusimpanas.Cocok buat kamu yang mau belajar buat kue dirumah.A collection ofrecipesfresh drinks, juices, compote and others are very suitablefor usein the summer.Suitable for you who want to learn to make cakes at home.
Jelly Crush Free 1.2
Switch the jelly to crush! This is a reallyfunand addictive game. Easy to play, switch a jelly to match nolessthan 3 of the same jellies to clear them.This jelly match game for free play with your kids, play bestpuzzlegame in category jelly blast and bubble crush. Make maximumnumberof crushes for a two minutes., and see your pointinleaderboard.Have fun!!!
Toy Crush Mania 1.2
Toy Crush Mania is kids toys games withtastygraphics this free toy crush game, play toy crush free now- 30 Level with different difficulties- 3 Mode Game with different challenge- Small yet tasty graphics- Play with your friends and compete the score!